Tuesday , January 21 2025

121 Selah, PD Wallson – Reality (Live) -121 Selah & PD Wallson Lyrics

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121 Selah, PD Wallson – Reality (Live) -121 Selah & PD Wallson Lyrics

In this moment I want us to step in
Into a place of adoration
Where we get to see God
As the only existing reality
Where we look at God
And we know that nothing that was made was made without Him
As we see that He is the perfect template of everything that was created
And everything that was created
Came out of Him
Without Him nothing that was made was made
Can we lift our hands to the Lord who only exists
The only One who exists
If you are it is because He is
If you are it is because He is
Can we lift our voices to Him and say
All good and perfect gift come from above
From the Father of light with Whom there is no variableness
With Whom there is no shadow of turning
Only you exists O God

You are everything
You are everything
You are everything
The sun speaks of You
The moon speaks of You
The stars speak of You
The mountains speak of You
The oceans speak of You
Animals speak of You
Birds in the sky speak of You
The fishes in the sea speak of You
Oh Jesus

How manifold are thy works?
The heavens declare the glory of the Lord
The firmament declares His mighty work
Day unto day
Day unto day

Night unto night
Showeth knowledge
Nothing that’s spoken goes unheard

Nothing that’s spoken goes unheard
We worship You


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