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Bolaa Fola – God of miracles Lyrics
Solo 1:
Somebody lift up your hands and worship the King of glory, Almighty Jehovah, Adonia,
the God of miracles, signs, and wonders
God of miracles, signs and wonders
We exalt your holy (2×)
Somebody sing with me
God of miracles (God of signs and wonders)
Signs and wonders
We exalt (we exalt) your holy name
(Your holy name)
God of miracles (God of miracles)
Signs and wonders
We exalt your holy name
(We exalt) We exalt (Your holy name ) Your holy name
(we exalt you Jesus) We exalt (Your holy name O God) Your holy name (You are the God of miracles) God of miracles (God of signs and wonders) Signs and wonders We exalt your holy name
(Sing God of miracles)
God of miracles(God of signs and wonders)
Signs and wonders(we exalt you Jesus) We exalt your holy name
(God of miracles) God of miracles (God of signs and wonders) Signs and wonders (we exalt you lord)we exalt (we exalt you) Your holy name
(Sing hosanna) Hooooosanna we exalt (we exalt you lord ) your holy name
(Sing hallelujah) Halleluuuujah (hallelujah) yes we exalt (we exalt)your holy name
(Sing hosanna) Hooooosanna ( we bless your name lord/ we lift up your name on high)we exalt your holy name
(Sing hallelujah) halleluuuuuyah (hallelujah to your name, we bless your name, we worship you lord) we exalt(we exalt you lord) Your holy name
Hoooosanna ( Hosanna to your name, we bless your name Jesus, you who sit upon the throne, you who reigns forever.
Halleluuuuuyah (You are the balm in Gilead, El’Shadai, Adonia, King of kings and the Lord of Lords) we exalt your holy name (We exalt you Jesus)
Hooooosanna we exalt (oh we bless your name we worship you lord hosanna to your name lord we lift your name high, king of Kings the balm in Gilead
Halleluuuujah (hallelujah to your name lord) We exalt your holy name
name lift up your hands and sing hallelujah, lift up your voice and shout hallelujah to Him… yeahhhhhh…
Solo 2:
You walked upon the sea
You raise Lazarus from the dead
O God you are the miracle-working God
Your name is a strong tower
the righteous run into it and they are save
We exalt you Jesus
We exalt (Your name is powerful) Your holy name
(Your name is peace) We exalt (Your name is love) Your holy name (Your name is mercy) We exalt your holy name (Your name is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and they are safe, we exalt you Lord)
we exalt your holy name
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