Wednesday , January 15 2025

David Adesokan – Been So Good Lyrics

Come On, Come On, Lift your hands with me
Come On, Come On, Bless the Lord with Me
Come On, Come On, Lift your Hands with me
Come on, Come On, Come On

Lord I lift my hands, I give you praise,
You have been so Good, I bless Your Name.

The heavens declare your wondrous goodness,
The universe shows forth your tender mercies,
Every day with You gets sweeter than the day before,
The birds, the skies, the fields and trees,
All creatures adore
Your Love floods by heart, like a river overflowing,
And all of the work you’ve done through Calvary, speaks of grace so overwhelming,
How can I say thanks for all you done in me,
I raise my hands in total praise, when I see your goodness all around me.
Because of all you’ve given me, I am forever changed,
Lord because who you Are, I am not the same
You have been so Good, Been So Good

Lord I must confess, I have seen your faithfulness,
I was young and now I’m older, Never seen the righteous forsaken,
You have shown me tender mercies; Because of your Love I’m truly blessed!
You gave your Life for me so freely, now I daily live to give you Glory
Now I bless your name, I not the same,
You’ve been so good, so good to me

Song Notes: Words & Music by David Adesokan
© Wellspring Worship Music 2009/BMI
