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Be blessed as you sing along.
Dena Mwana – Lingala Medley Lyrics
Song 1: Elombe
Elombe na biso yaya (You are our Hero )
Biso to yembeli yo eh (We sing for You our Hero)
Yesu oza elombe (Jesus You are our Champion)
Elombe na biso yaya (You are our Hero )
Biso to kumisi yo eh (Our Hero we praise you)
Yesu oza elombe (Jesus You are our Champion)
Yahwe na ngai (My God) (Repeat)
Engambe mobali yaya eh (Valiant warrior)
Biso to netoli yo eh ()
Yesu oza elombe (Jesus You are our Champion)
A vandi na Kiti ya Bokonzi na ye (Sitting on His Throne of glory)
Biso to sanjoli yo eh (We give You praise)
Yesu oza elombe (Jesus You are our Champion)
Yawhe na nga! (My God)
Engambe mobali yaya eh (Brave warrior)
Biso to sanjoli yo eh (We exalt You)
Yesu oza elombe (Jesus You are our Champion)
Elombe mobali a vandi na kiti na ye (Our Champion who sits on His Throne of Glory)
Biso to beteli ye (We sing for You)
Milolo x3 Pona Yesu eh (We Shout, we shout for Jesus)
Eh Yembela Yesu oyo! (Oh Let us sing for Jesus)
Eh azali malamu, atonda bolingo Nzambe oyo (For He is Good, this God is full of Love)
Oh kumisa masiya eh! (Oh Let us praise the Lord)
Eh azali malamu, atonda na nguya Nzambe oyo (For He is good, this God is Powerful)
Milolo milolo bisika bozali (Shout, shout for joy wherever you are)
Eh azali malamu, atonda makasi Nzambe oyo (Oh He is good, this God is Mighty)
Response: Elombe elombe ye wana eh (Courageous, He is courageous)
Bo tangela ngai ya bino eh (Quote your gods .?.)
Ngai mpe na bimisa oyo ya mpaka eh (And I will also quote mine .?.)
Elombe ye ngai eh (My God is courageous)
Eh yembela Yesu oyo (Eh, sing for this Jesus)
Eh azali malamu atonda bolingo Nzambe oyo (He is Good, this God is full of Love)
“Elombe” Lyrics are by Patou elenga
Song 2: Pasola Lola
Response: Pasola lola kumama, eh Yawhe kumama
(Open the heavens gates, Eh Yahweh be praised) (Repeat)
Pasola to mona (lelo x3) (Open the gates of heaven, today)
Tolingi to mona eh (lelo x3) (We want to see, today) (Repeat)
Response: Pasola lola kumama, eh Yawhe kumama
(Open the heavens gates, Eh Yahweh be praised) (Repeat)
Oh wapi Nzambe na Mose oyo akabolaki mayi?
(Where is the God of Moses who divided the sea?)
Wapi Nzambe na Anna oyo apesaki Samuel?
(Where is the God of Anne who gave Samuel?)
Wapi Nzambe na Elia oyo a kitisaki moto?
(Where is the God of Elijah who sent down the fire?)
Wapi Nzambe na Yoshua oya buka buka buka jericho?
(Where is the God of Joshua who felled the walls of Jericho?) (Repeat)
Song 3: Jericho
Buka x3 Jericho, buka Jericho (Breaking, Jericho is breaking)
Buka x3 Jericho, buka Jericho lopango ebukana (Breaking, Jericho is breaking as the walls fall)
Niata x3 satana, niata satana (Crush x3 Satan, Crush Satan)
Niata x3 satana, niata satana, satana alonga te (Crush Satan, that he may not win)
Aniataka eh (He crushes)
Nkolo Yesu aniataka (The Lord Jesus crushes)
Aniati satana lelo (He crushes Satan today)
Yawhe x3 Yawhe x3 Yawhe x3 (Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh)
Yawhe yo elonga (Yahweh today is the victory)(Repeat)
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