Verse 1:
How can I describe you
Situations bow below you
The works of your hands amaze me
Darkness gives way before you
The sun, moon, and stars
The hills, sea, and mountains
Show forth your splendor
The leaves of the tree
Applaud your greatness
The bird of the air
You are the one who was and is to come
Alpha and Omega
You are Jehovah, You are Jehovah
You are the one who was and is to come
Alpha and Omega
You are Jehovah, You are Jehovah
Repeat Verse 1
Repeat Chorus
oh oh oh
No one else like you
oh oh oh
None can do the things you do
oh oh oh
No one else like you
You are Jehovah, Jehovah
oh oh oh
You make the blind the see
oh oh oh
You make the lame to walk
oh oh oh
No one else like you
You are Jehovah, Jehovah
You are
oh oh oh
The are the one who was and is to come
You make the blind the see
You make the lame to walk
Who is like you o Lord
oh oh oh