Friday , December 20 2024

Minister Bukkie – Mimo Mimo Lyrics

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Be blessed as you sing along.

Minister Bukkie – Mimo Mimo Lyrics

Oba to da aye (Creator of earth)
Oba to da orun (Creator of heaven)
Oba to da osan (Creator of day)
Oba to da oru (Creator of night)
Ka bi o osi (Who can question You?)
Alagbawi mi (My intercessor)
Ka bi o osi (Who can question You?)
Oba to lemi mi (Owner of my life)

Mimo, Mimo oo (Holy, Holy)
Mimo, Mimo oo (Holy, Holy)
Mimo, Mimo oo (Holy, Holy)
Mimo, Mimo o (Holy, Holy)
Mo f’ori bale fun o (I bow before you)

Oba t’ongbe ninu awon orun (The King who dwells in heaven)
Oju else (the eyes of a sinner)
ko le ri Ogo re (cannot behold Your glory)
Ka bi o osi (Who can question You?)
Oba to lemi mi (Owner of my life) Mimo Mimo oo Mimo Mimo oo Mimo Mimo oo Mimo Mimo o


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