Thursday , April 25 2024

by Kayamba Africa – Ndambararia (I Lift My Hands) Lyrics

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by Kayamba Africa – Ndambararia (I Lift My Hands) Lyrics

(Sung in Gĩkũyũ – A hymn)

Ndambararia moko makwa ndagooca rĩtwa rĩaku
(I lift my hands in praise of Your Name)
Mbere ya ndũrĩrĩ ciothe cia thĩ ĩno nĩguo ciigue
(Before all generations so that they hear)
Wega na ũtugi waku ũrĩa ũkinyagĩria andu aku
(Your Goodness and Grace reaches Your people)
Nĩndakũgooca nĩ tondũ we ũrĩ mwega
(I praise You, for You are good) (Repeat)

Nĩ ndakũgooca Mwathani, tondũ nĩwe Mũnyũmbi
(I praise you Lord for you created me)
We ũteithagia ngoro yakwa hindĩ ĩrĩa ĩgwetereire
(You set my heart at ease as I wait for you)
Rĩrĩa andũ mandiganĩirie ũkoragwo hamwe na niĩ
(When others forget me, You are there for me)
Nĩndakũgooca nĩ tondũ we ũrĩ mwega.
(I praise You, for You are good) (Repeat)

Loti erwo nĩ Iburahimu ethurire kũrĩa ekwenda
(Abraham and lot had too choose where to live)
Agĩthurĩra cianda-inĩ kũrĩa onaga gwĩ kwega
(Lot took the beautiful fertile looking plains)
Iburahimu akĩambata agatũre kĩrĩma-inĩ
(Abraham had to settle in the rough looking hills)
Ũkĩmũrathima nĩ tondũ we ũrĩ mwega
(But you blessed him, for You are good) (Repeat)



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