Saturday , January 25 2025

AIJAY – My Heart Sings Lyrics

Verse 1

Morning by morning new mercies I see
My heart sings, my heart sings
Your hand is upon me, You supply my every need
My heart sings, my heart sings
O kwa gi n’eme mu mma Chukwu okike
(You are the One that does me well, my Creator)
Your love, you show to me day-by-day
A gam aja Gi mma , Gi Onye n’énye m ike e
(I will praise You, You who gives me strength)

That’s why I say You don bless me ooo

I goziele m o (You bless me e)
I goziele m o (You bless me e)
I goziele m o (You bless me e)
That’s why I say You don bless me o

Verse 2
Your blessings make rich, no sorrow with it
My heart sings, my heart sings
I’m blessed in the city, I’m blessed in the fields
My heart sings, my heart sings
O kwa gi n’eme mu mma Chukwu okike
(You are the One that does me well,my Creator)
Your love you show to me day-by-day
A gam aja Gi mma, Gi Onye n’enye m ike e
(I will praise You, You who gives me strength)

That’s why I say You don bless me ooo

When I look around my life
I can’t help but wonder why
East or West I no forget
You bless me oo, You bless me oo

Download song here
Thanks to AIJAY